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A Challenging Solar Eruptive Event of 18 November 2003 and the Causes of the 20 November Geomagnetic Superstorm. III. Catastrophe of the Eruptive Filament at a Magnetic Null Point and Formation of an Opposite-Handedness CME

机译:2003年11月18日具有挑战性的太阳爆发事件及其成因   11月20日的地磁超级风暴。 III。爆发的灾难   磁性零点处的细丝和相反作用的CmE的形成



Our analysis in Papers I and II (Grechnev et al., 2014, Solar Phys. 289, 289and 1279) of the 18 November 2003 solar event responsible for the 20 Novembergeomagnetic superstorm has revealed a complex chain of eruptions. Inparticular, the eruptive filament encountered a topological discontinuitylocated near the solar disk center at a height of about 100 Mm, bifurcated, andtransformed into a large cloud, which did not leave the Sun. Concurrently, anadditional CME presumably erupted close to the bifurcation region. Theconjectures about the responsibility of this compact CME for the superstorm andits disconnection from the Sun are confirmed in Paper IV (Grechnev et al.,Solar Phys., submitted), which concludes about its probable spheromak-likestructure. The present paper confirms the presence of a magnetic null pointnear the bifurcation region and addresses the origin of the magnetic helicityof the interplanetary magnetic clouds and their connection to the Sun. We findthat the orientation of a magnetic dipole constituted by dimmed regions withthe opposite magnetic polarities away from the parent active regioncorresponded to the direction of the axial field in the magnetic cloud, whilethe pre-eruptive filament mismatched it. To combine all of the listed findings,we come to an intrinsically three-dimensional scheme, in which a spheromak-likeeruption originates via the interaction of the initially unconnected magneticfluxes of the eruptive filament and pre-existing ones in the corona. Through achain of magnetic reconnections their positive mutual helicity was transformedinto the self-helicity of the spheromak-like magnetic cloud.
机译:我们在2003年11月18日造成11月20日地磁超暴的太阳事件的论文I和II(Grechnev等,2014,Solar Phys。289、289和1279)中的分析揭示了复杂的喷发链。尤其是,喷发的长丝遇到了一个拓扑不连续性,该不连续性位于太阳圆盘中心附近,高度大约为100 Mm,分叉并转变为一个大的云层,没有离开太阳。同时,大概在分叉区域附近爆发了另外的CME。论文IV(Grechnev等人,Solar Phys。,已提交)证实了这种紧凑型CME对超级暴雨的责任及其与太阳的分离的推测,该推测总结了它可能是类似于球形的结构。本文证实了在分叉区域附近存在一个磁零点,并讨论了行星际磁云的磁螺旋的起源及其与太阳的联系。我们发现,由暗区构成的磁偶极子的方向与远离母体有源区的磁极相反,而磁极的方向与磁云中的轴向磁场方向相对应,而喷发前的细丝则不匹配。为了结合所有列出的发现,我们提出了一个固有的三维方案,其中,喷发丝的最初未连接的磁通量与电晕中预先存在的磁通量之间的相互作用引起了球形的似喷发。通过一连串的磁连接,它们的正相互螺旋被转化为类球形的磁云的自螺旋。



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